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Pros & Cons of Trait Theory

In my opinion, the Cons of the trait based theory and great man theory outweighs the Pros. Not to say that the two theories are irrelevant in understanding leaders as it is thought provoking and does hold some truth. The theories, like many other old-aged theoretical scientific ideas, simply were a start of an idea that changed over the course of time.

The most significant Pro of the theories, and the only one I could think of, is how they shaped our understanding of which human traits are significant in being a leader. Those traits, however, are not simply instilled into a newborn child (a male child at that, if your only going with the great man theory). You are not merely born with leadership traits, as if these characteristics are given to individuals at random during birth as if it’s some sort of trait-based game of russian roulette. The idea that leaders are born with some sort of divine inspiration all at random holds no scientific validity and is a huge Con to the theory.

Another noteworthy Con of the theories is how it does not consider the environment that surrounds and shapes an individual. Studies of twins separated at birth prove the significance of how social conditions influences people’s lives. It’s not who you are at birth, but how different situations (good or bad) in your lifetime changes and develops you as a person.

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